#lang scheme
(require (planet "science-with-graphics.ss"
("williams" "science.plt")))
(require (lib "plot.ss" "plot"))
(printf "--- Gamma Function ---~n")
(plot (line unchecked-gamma)
(x-min 0.001) (x-max 6)
(y-min 0) (y-max 120)
(title "Gamma Function, gamma(x)"))
(printf "--- Beta Distribution ---~n")
(let ((h (make-histogram-with-ranges-uniform 40 0.0 1.0)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 10000) (void))
(unchecked-histogram-increment! h (unchecked-random-beta 2.0 3.0)))
(histogram-plot h "Histogram of Beta Distribution"))
(beta-plot 2.0 3.0)
(printf "--- Bivariate Gaussian Distribution --- ~n")
(let ((h (make-histogram-2d-with-ranges-uniform
20 20 -3.0 3.0 -3.0 3.0)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 10000) (void))
(let-values (((x y) (unchecked-random-bivariate-gaussian 1.0 1.0 0.0)))
(unchecked-histogram-2d-increment! h x y)))
h "Histogram of Bivariate Gaussian Distribution"))
(bivariate-gaussian-plot 1.0 1.0 0.0)
(printf "--- Chi Squared Distribution ---~n")
(let ((h (make-histogram-with-ranges-uniform 40 0.0 10.0)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 10000) (void))
(unchecked-histogram-increment! h (unchecked-random-chi-squared 3.0)))
(histogram-plot h "Histogram of Chi Squared Distribution"))
(chi-squared-plot 3.0)
(printf "--- Exponential Distribution ---~n")
(let ((h (make-histogram-with-ranges-uniform 40 0.0 8.0)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 10000) (void))
(unchecked-histogram-increment! h (unchecked-random-exponential 1.0)))
(histogram-plot h "Histogram of Exponential Distribution"))
(exponential-plot 2.0)
(printf "--- F Distribution ---~n")
(let ((h (make-histogram-with-ranges-uniform 40 0.0 10.0)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 10000) (void))
(unchecked-histogram-increment! h (unchecked-random-f-distribution 2.0 3.0)))
(histogram-plot h "Histogram of F-Distribution"))
(f-distribution-plot 2.0 3.0)
(printf "--- Flat (Uniform) Distribution ---~n")
(let ((h (make-histogram-with-ranges-uniform 40 1.0 4.0)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 10000) (void))
(unchecked-histogram-increment! h (unchecked-random-flat 1.0 4.0)))
(histogram-plot h "Histogram of Flat (Uniform) Distribution"))
(flat-plot 1.0 4.0)
(printf "--- Gamma Distribution ---~n")
(let ((h (make-histogram-with-ranges-uniform 40 0.0 24.0)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 10000) (void))
(unchecked-histogram-increment! h (unchecked-random-gamma 3.0 3.0)))
(histogram-plot h "Histogram of Gamma Distribution"))
(gamma-plot 3.0 3.0)
(printf "--- Gaussian Distribution ---~n")
(let ((h (make-histogram-with-ranges-uniform 40 4.0 16.0)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 10000) (void))
(unchecked-histogram-increment! h (unchecked-random-gaussian 10.0 2.0)))
(histogram-plot h "Histogram of Gaussian Distribution"))
(let ((h (make-histogram-with-ranges-uniform 40 -3.0 3.0)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 10000) (void))
(unchecked-histogram-increment! h (unchecked-random-unit-gaussian)))
(histogram-plot h "Histogram of Unit Gaussian Distribution"))
(gaussian-plot 10.0 2.0)
(printf "--- Gaussian Tail Distribution ---~n")
(let ((h (make-histogram-with-ranges-uniform 40 16.0 22.0)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 10000) (void))
(unchecked-histogram-increment! h (unchecked-random-gaussian-tail 16.0 10.0 2.0)))
(histogram-plot h "Histogram of Gaussian Tail Distribution"))
(let ((h (make-histogram-with-ranges-uniform 40 3.0 6.0)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 10000) (void))
(unchecked-histogram-increment! h (unchecked-random-unit-gaussian-tail 3.0)))
(histogram-plot h "Histogram of Unit Gaussian Tail Distribution"))
(gaussian-tail-plot 16.0 10.0 2.0)
(unit-gaussian-tail-plot 3.0)
(printf "--- Pareto Distribution~n")
(let ((h (make-histogram-with-ranges-uniform 40 1.0 21.0)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 10000) (void))
(unchecked-histogram-increment! h (unchecked-random-pareto 1.0 1.0)))
(histogram-plot h "Histogram of Pareto Distribution"))
(pareto-plot 1.0 1.0)
(printf "--- T Distribution ---~n")
(let ((h (make-histogram-with-ranges-uniform 40 -6.0 6.0)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 10000) (void))
(unchecked-histogram-increment! h (unchecked-random-t-distribution 1.0)))
(histogram-plot h "Histogram of t-Distribution"))
(t-distribution-plot 1.0)
(printf "--- Triangular Distribution ---~n")
(let ((h (make-histogram-with-ranges-uniform 40 1.0 4.0)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 10000) (void))
(unchecked-histogram-increment! h (unchecked-random-triangular 1.0 4.0 2.0)))
(histogram-plot h "Histogram of Triangular Distribution"))
(triangular-plot 1.0 4.0 2.0)
(printf "--- Bernoulli Distribution ---~n")
(let ((h (make-discrete-histogram)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 10000) (void))
(unchecked-discrete-histogram-increment! h (unchecked-random-bernoulli .6)))
(discrete-histogram-plot h "Histogram of Bernoulli Distribution"))
(bernoulli-plot 0.6)
(printf "--- Binomial Distribution ---~n")
(let ((h (make-discrete-histogram)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 10000) (void))
(unchecked-discrete-histogram-increment! h (unchecked-random-binomial 0.5 20)))
(discrete-histogram-plot h "Histogram of Binomial Distribution"))
(binomial-plot .5 20)
(printf "--- Geometric Distribution~n")
(let ((h (make-discrete-histogram)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 10000) (void))
(unchecked-discrete-histogram-increment! h (unchecked-random-geometric 0.5)))
(discrete-histogram-plot h "Histogram of Geometric Distribution"))
(geometric-plot 0.5)
(printf "--- Logarithmic Distribution ---~n")
(let ((h (make-discrete-histogram)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 10000) (void))
(unchecked-discrete-histogram-increment! h (unchecked-random-logarithmic 0.5)))
(discrete-histogram-plot h "Histogram of Logarithmic Distribution"))
(logarithmic-plot 0.5)
(printf "--- Poisson Distribution ---~n")
(let ((h (make-discrete-histogram)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 10000) (void))
(unchecked-discrete-histogram-increment! h (unchecked-random-poisson 10.0)))
(discrete-histogram-plot h "Histogram of Poisson Distribution"))
(poisson-plot 10.0)
(printf "--- General Discrete Distribution ---~n")
(let ((h (make-discrete-histogram))
(d (make-discrete #(.1 .4 .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1))))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 10000) (void))
(unchecked-discrete-histogram-increment! h (unchecked-random-discrete d)))
(discrete-histogram-plot h "Histogram of Discrete Distribution"))
(let ((d (make-discrete #(.1 .4 .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1))))
(discrete-plot d))
(define (naive-sort! data)
(let loop ()
(let ((n (vector-length data))
(sorted? #t))
(do ((i 1 (+ i 1)))
((= i n) data)
(when (< (vector-ref data i)
(vector-ref data (- i 1)))
(let ((t (vector-ref data i)))
(vector-set! data i (vector-ref data (- i 1)))
(vector-set! data (- i 1) t)
(set! sorted? #f))))
(when (not sorted?)
(let ((data1 (make-vector 1000))
(data2 (make-vector 1000))
(w (make-vector 1000)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 1000) (void))
(vector-set! data1 i (random-unit-gaussian))
(vector-set! data2 i (random-unit-gaussian))
(vector-set! w i
(expt (cos (- (* 2.0 pi (/ i 1000.0)) pi)) 2)))
(printf "--- Statistics Example ---~n")
(printf " mean = ~a~n"
(unchecked-mean data1))
(printf " variance = ~a~n"
(unchecked-variance data1))
(printf " standard deviation = ~a~n"
(unchecked-standard-deviation data1))
(printf " variance from 0.0 = ~a~n"
(unchecked-variance-with-fixed-mean data1 0.0))
(printf " standard deviation from 0.0 = ~a~n"
(unchecked-standard-deviation-with-fixed-mean data1 0.0))
(printf " absolute deviation = ~a~n"
(unchecked-absolute-deviation data1))
(printf " absolute deviation from 0.0 = ~a~n"
(unchecked-absolute-deviation data1 0.0))
(printf " skew = ~a~n"
(unchecked-skew data1))
(printf " kurtosis = ~a~n"
(kurtosis data1))
(printf " lag-1 autocorrelation = ~a~n"
(unchecked-lag-1-autocorrelation data1))
(printf " covariance = ~a~n"
(unchecked-covariance data1 data2))
(printf " weighted mean = ~a~n"
(unchecked-weighted-mean w data1))
(printf " weighted variance = ~a~n"
(unchecked-weighted-variance w data1))
(printf " weighted standard deviation = ~a~n"
(unchecked-weighted-standard-deviation w data1))
(printf " weighted variance from 0.0 = ~a~n"
(unchecked-weighted-variance-with-fixed-mean w data1 0.0))
(printf "weighted standard deviation from 0.0 = ~a~n"
(unchecked-weighted-standard-deviation-with-fixed-mean w data1 0.0))
(printf " weighted absolute deviation = ~a~n"
(unchecked-weighted-absolute-deviation w data1))
(printf "weighted absolute deviation from 0.0 = ~a~n"
(unchecked-weighted-absolute-deviation w data1 0.0))
(printf " weighted skew = ~a~n"
(unchecked-weighted-skew w data1))
(printf " weighted kurtosis = ~a~n"
(unchecked-weighted-kurtosis w data1))
(printf " maximum = ~a~n"
(unchecked-maximum data1))
(printf " minimum = ~a~n"
(unchecked-minimum data1))
(printf " index of maximum value = ~a~n"
(unchecked-maximum-index data1))
(printf " index of minimum value = ~a~n"
(unchecked-minimum-index data1))
(naive-sort! data1)
(printf " median = ~a~n"
(unchecked-median-from-sorted-data data1))
(printf " 10% quantile = ~a~n"
(unchecked-quantile-from-sorted-data data1 .1))
(printf " 20% quantile = ~a~n"
(unchecked-quantile-from-sorted-data data1 .2))
(printf " 30% quantile = ~a~n"
(unchecked-quantile-from-sorted-data data1 .3))
(printf " 40% quantile = ~a~n"
(unchecked-quantile-from-sorted-data data1 .4))
(printf " 50% quantile = ~a~n"
(unchecked-quantile-from-sorted-data data1 .5))
(printf " 60% quantile = ~a~n"
(unchecked-quantile-from-sorted-data data1 .6))
(printf " 70% quantile = ~a~n"
(unchecked-quantile-from-sorted-data data1 .7))
(printf " 80% quantile = ~a~n"
(unchecked-quantile-from-sorted-data data1 .8))
(printf " 90% quantile = ~a~n"
(unchecked-quantile-from-sorted-data data1 .9))
(printf "--- Chebyshev Example ---~n")
(define (f x)
(if (< x 0.5) .25 .75))
(define (chebyshev-example n)
(let ((cs (make-chebyshev-series-order 40))
(y-values '())
(y-cs-10-values '())
(y-cs-40-values '()))
(chebyshev-series-init cs f 0.0 1.0)
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i n) (void))
(let* ((x (exact->inexact (/ i n)))
(y (f x))
(y-cs-10 (chebyshev-eval-n cs 10 x))
(y-cs-40 (chebyshev-eval cs x)))
(set! y-values (cons (vector x y) y-values))
(set! y-cs-10-values
(cons (vector x y-cs-10) y-cs-10-values))
(set! y-cs-40-values
(cons (vector x y-cs-40) y-cs-40-values))))
(printf "~a~n" (plot (mix (points (reverse y-values))
(points (reverse y-cs-10-values)))
(x-min 0) (x-max 1)
(y-min 0) (y-max 1)
(title "Chebyshev Series Order 10")))
(printf "~a~n" (plot (mix (points (reverse y-values))
(points (reverse y-cs-40-values)))
(x-min 0) (x-max 1)
(y-min 0) (y-max 1)
(title "Chebyshev Series Order 40")))))
(chebyshev-example 100)
(printf "--- Ordinary Differential Equation Solver ---~n")
(printf "~n--- ODE Example 1 ---~n")
(define (func t y f params)
(let ((mu (car params))
(y0 (vector-ref y 0))
(y1 (vector-ref y 1)))
(vector-set! f 0 y1)
(vector-set! f 1 (- (- y0) (* mu y1 (- (* y0 y0) 1.0))))))
(define (ode-example-1)
(let* ((type rk4-ode-type)
(step (make-ode-step type 2))
(mu 10.0)
(system (make-ode-system func #f 2 (list mu)))
(t 0.0)
(t1 100.0)
(h 1.0e-2)
(y (vector 1.0 0.0))
(y-err (make-vector 2))
(dydt-in (make-vector 2))
(dydt-out (make-vector 2))
(y0-values '())
(y1-values '()))
(unchecked-ode-system-function-eval system t y dydt-in)
(let loop ()
(when (< t t1)
(unchecked-ode-step-apply step t h
y y-err
(set! y0-values (cons (vector t (vector-ref y 0)) y0-values))
(set! y1-values (cons (vector t (vector-ref y 1)) y1-values))
(vector-set! dydt-in 0 (vector-ref dydt-out 0))
(vector-set! dydt-in 1 (vector-ref dydt-out 1))
(set! t (+ t h))
(printf "~a~n" (plot (points (reverse y0-values))
(x-min 0.0)
(x-max 100.0)
(y-min -2.0)
(y-max 2.0)))
(printf "~a~n" (plot (points (reverse y1-values))
(x-min 0.0)
(x-max 100.0)))
(printf "--- ODE Example 2 ---~n~n")
(define (ode-example-2)
(let* ((type rk4-ode-type)
(step (make-ode-step type 2))
(control (control-y-new 1.0e-6 0.0))
(evolve (make-ode-evolve 2))
(mu 10.0)
(system (make-ode-system func #f 2 (list mu)))
(t (box 0.0))
(t1 100.0)
(h (box 1.0e-6))
(y (vector 1.0 0.0))
(y0-values '())
(y1-values '()))
(let loop ()
(when (< (unbox t) t1)
evolve control step system
t t1 h y)
(set! y0-values (cons (vector (unbox t) (vector-ref y 0)) y0-values))
(set! y1-values (cons (vector (unbox t) (vector-ref y 1)) y1-values))
(printf "Number of iterations = ~a~n" (ode-evolve-count evolve))
(printf "Number of failed steps = ~a~n" (ode-evolve-failed-steps evolve))
(printf "~a~n" (plot (points (reverse y0-values))
(x-min 0.0)
(x-max 100.0)
(y-min -2.0)
(y-max 2.0)))
(printf "~a~n" (plot (points (reverse y1-values))
(x-min 0.0)
(x-max 100.0)))