#lang setup/infotab (define name "Science") (define blurb (list "The Science Collection is a collection of modules that provide " "functions for numerical computing. The structure of the science " "collection and many of the underlying algorithms were inspired by the " "GNU Scientific Library (GSL). The functions are written entirely in " "Racket and present a true Racket look-and-feel throughout. The source " "code is distributed with the science collection and licensed under the " "GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), Version 3.0.")) (define release-notes (list "Removed nan? and infinite? from the math collection.")) (define categories '(scientific)) (define primary-file '("science.rkt" "science-with-graphics.rkt")) (define required-core-version "5.3") (define repositories (list "4.x")) (define category '(library)) (define scribblings '(("scribblings/science.scrbl" (multi-page)))) (define compile-omit-files '("ode-initval/rk2.rkt" "ode-initval/rk4.rkt" "ode-initval/rkf45.rkt" "special-functions/gamma-imp.rkt" "special-functions/gamma-inc-imp.rkt" "special-functions/psi-imp.rkt" "special-functions/zeta-imp.rkt"))