(!using-chapters) (!definitely-latex) (!default-title "Simulation Collection: Reference Manual") (!using-chapters) (!toc-page 1) (!using-chapters) (!toc-entry 0 "1" 2 "node_chap_1" "{Introduction}") (!toc-entry 1 "1.1" 2 "node_sec_1.1" "{Routines Available in the Simulation Collection}") (!toc-entry 1 "1.2" 2 "node_sec_1.2" "{The Simulation Collection is Free Software}") (!toc-entry 1 "1.3" 2 "node_sec_1.3" "{Obtaining the Simulation Collection}") (!toc-entry 1 "1.4" 2 "node_sec_1.4" "{No Warranty}") (!using-chapters) (!toc-entry 0 "2" 3 "node_chap_2" "{Using the Simulation Collection}") (!toc-entry 1 "2.1" 3 "node_sec_2.1" "{An Example}") (!toc-entry 1 "2.2" 3 "node_sec_2.2" "{Loading the Simulation Collection}") (!toc-entry 1 "2.3" 3 "node_sec_2.3" "{Graphics Modules}") (!using-chapters) (!toc-entry 0 "3" 4 "node_chap_3" "{Simulation Environments (Basic)}") (!index 2 4) (!toc-entry 1 "3.1" 4 "node_sec_3.1" "{The \\texttt{simulation-environment} Structure}") (!index 4 4) (!index 6 4) (!index 8 4) (!index 10 4) (!index 12 4) (!index 14 4) (!index 16 4) (!index 18 4) (!index 20 4) (!index 22 4) (!index 24 4) (!index 26 4) (!index 28 4) (!index 30 4) (!index 32 4) (!index 34 4) (!index 36 4) (!index 38 4) (!index 40 4) (!index 42 4) (!index 44 4) (!index 46 4) (!index 48 4) (!index 50 4) (!index 52 4) (!index 54 4) (!index 56 4) (!index 58 4) (!index 60 4) (!index 62 4) (!index 64 4) (!index 66 4) (!index 68 4) (!index 70 4) (!index 72 4) (!index 74 4) (!index 76 4) (!index 78 4) (!index 80 4) (!index 82 4) (!index 84 4) (!index 86 4) (!index 88 4) (!index 90 4) (!index 92 4) (!index 94 4) (!index 96 4) (!index 98 4) (!index 100 4) (!index 102 4) (!index 104 4) (!index 106 4) (!index 108 4) (!index 110 4) (!index 112 4) (!index 114 4) (!index 116 4) (!index 118 4) (!index 120 4) (!index 122 4) (!index 124 4) (!index 126 4) (!index 128 4) (!index 130 4) (!index 132 4) (!index 134 4) (!index 136 4) (!index 138 4) (!index 140 4) (!index 142 4) (!index 144 4) (!index 146 4) (!index 148 4) (!toc-entry 1 "3.2" 4 "node_sec_3.2" "{Current Simulation Environment}") (!index 150 4) (!index 152 4) (!index 154 4) (!toc-entry 2 "3.2.1" 4 "node_sec_3.2.1" "{Current Simulation Environment Fields}") (!index 156 4) (!index 158 4) (!index 160 4) (!index 162 4) (!index 164 4) (!index 166 4) (!index 168 4) (!index 170 4) (!index 172 4) (!index 174 4) (!index 176 4) (!index 178 4) (!index 180 4) (!index 182 4) (!index 184 4) (!index 186 4) (!index 188 4) (!index 190 4) (!index 192 4) (!index 194 4) (!index 196 4) (!index 198 4) (!index 200 4) (!using-chapters) (!toc-entry 0 "4" 5 "node_chap_4" "{Simulation Control (Basic)}") (!toc-entry 1 "4.1" 5 "node_sec_4.1" "{Scheduling Events and Processes}") (!index 202 5) (!index 204 5) (!index 206 5) (!index 208 5) (!index 210 5) (!toc-entry 1 "4.2" 5 "node_sec_4.2" "{Controlling the Simulation Main Loop}") (!index 212 5) (!index 214 5) (!toc-entry 1 "4.3" 5 "node_sec_4.3" "{Simulating Waiting and Working}") (!index 216 5) (!index 218 5) (!index 220 5) (!using-chapters) (!toc-entry 0 "5" 6 "node_chap_5" "{Events}") (!toc-entry 1 "5.1" 6 "node_sec_5.1" "{The \\texttt{event} Structure}") (!index 222 6) (!index 224 6) (!index 226 6) (!index 228 6) (!index 230 6) (!index 232 6) (!index 234 6) (!index 236 6) (!index 238 6) (!index 240 6) (!index 242 6) (!index 244 6) (!index 246 6) (!index 248 6) (!index 250 6) (!index 252 6) (!index 254 6) (!index 256 6) (!index 258 6) (!index 260 6) (!index 262 6) (!index 264 6) (!index 266 6) (!toc-entry 1 "5.2" 6 "node_sec_5.2" "{Event Lists}") (!index 268 6) (!index 270 6) (!index 272 6) (!index 274 6) (!index 276 6) (!index 278 6) (!toc-entry 1 "5.3" 6 "node_sec_5.3" "{Example -- Functions as Events}") (!using-chapters) (!toc-entry 0 "6" 7 "node_chap_6" "{Processes}") (!index 280 7) (!toc-entry 1 "6.1" 7 "node_sec_6.1" "{Defining a Process}") (!index 282 7) (!toc-entry 1 "6.2" 7 "node_sec_6.2" "{Creating and Accessing Processes}") (!toc-entry 2 "6.2.1" 7 "node_sec_6.2.1" "{The \\texttt{process} Structure}") (!index 284 7) (!index 286 7) (!index 288 7) (!index 290 7) (!index 292 7) (!index 294 7) (!index 296 7) (!index 298 7) (!index 300 7) (!index 302 7) (!index 304 7) (!toc-entry 2 "6.2.2" 7 "node_sec_6.2.2" "{Creating Processes}") (!index 306 7) (!toc-entry 2 "6.2.3" 7 "node_sec_6.2.3" "{Process States}") (!index 308 7) (!index 310 7) (!index 312 7) (!index 314 7) (!index 316 7) (!index 318 7) (!index 320 7) (!index 322 7) (!toc-entry 1 "6.3" 7 "node_sec_6.3" "{Example -- Processes}") (!using-chapters) (!toc-entry 0 "7" 8 "node_chap_7" "{Resources}") (!toc-entry 1 "7.1" 8 "node_sec_7.1" "{The \\texttt{resource} Structure}") (!index 324 8) (!index 326 8) (!index 328 8) (!index 330 8) (!index 332 8) (!index 334 8) (!index 336 8) (!index 338 8) (!index 340 8) (!index 342 8) (!index 344 8) (!index 346 8) (!index 348 8) (!index 350 8) (!index 352 8) (!index 354 8) (!index 356 8) (!index 358 8) (!toc-entry 2 "7.1.1" 8 "node_sec_7.1.1" "{Shortcuts to Resource Set Veriables}") (!index 360 8) (!index 362 8) (!toc-entry 1 "7.2" 8 "node_sec_7.2" "{Requesting and Relinquishing Resources}") (!toc-entry 2 "7.2.1" 8 "node_sec_7.2.1" "{Requesting Resources}") (!index 364 8) (!index 366 8) (!toc-entry 2 "7.2.2" 8 "node_sec_7.2.2" "{Relinquishing Resources}") (!index 368 8) (!index 370 8) (!toc-entry 2 "7.2.3" 8 "node_sec_7.2.3" "{The \\texttt{with-resource} Macro}") (!index 372 8) (!toc-entry 1 "7.3" 8 "node_sec_7.3" "{Example -- Resources}") (!using-chapters) (!toc-entry 0 "8" 9 "node_chap_8" "{Data Collection}") (!toc-entry 1 "8.1" 9 "node_sec_8.1" "{Variables}") (!toc-entry 2 "8.1.1" 9 "node_sec_8.1.1" "{The \\texttt{variable} Structure}") (!index 374 9) (!index 376 9) (!index 378 9) (!index 380 9) (!index 382 9) (!index 384 9) (!index 386 9) (!index 388 9) (!index 390 9) (!index 392 9) (!index 394 9) (!index 396 9) (!index 398 9) (!index 400 9) (!index 402 9) (!index 404 9) (!index 406 9) (!index 408 9) (!index 410 9) (!index 412 9) (!index 414 9) (!index 416 9) (!index 418 9) (!index 420 9) (!index 422 9) (!index 424 9) (!index 426 9) (!index 428 9) (!index 430 9) (!index 432 9) (!toc-entry 1 "8.2" 9 "node_sec_8.2" "{Tally and Accumulate}") (!toc-entry 2 "8.2.1" 9 "node_sec_8.2.1" "{Tally}") (!toc-entry 2 "8.2.2" 9 "node_sec_8.2.2" "{Accumulate}") (!toc-entry 1 "8.3" 9 "node_sec_8.3" "{Statistics and Histories}") (!toc-entry 2 "8.3.1" 9 "node_sec_8.3.1" "{Statistics}") (!index 434 9) (!index 436 9) (!index 438 9) (!index 440 9) (!index 442 9) (!index 444 9) (!index 446 9) (!index 448 9) (!index 450 9) (!index 452 9) (!index 454 9) (!index 456 9) (!index 458 9) (!index 460 9) (!index 462 9) (!index 464 9) (!index 466 9) (!index 468 9) (!index 470 9) (!index 472 9) (!toc-entry 2 "8.3.2" 9 "node_sec_8.3.2" "{History}") (!index 474 9) (!index 476 9) (!index 478 9) (!index 480 9) (!index 482 9) (!index 484 9) (!index 486 9) (!index 488 9) (!index 490 9) (!index 492 9) (!index 494 9) (!index 496 9) (!index 498 9) (!index 500 9) (!index 502 9) (!index 504 9) (!index 506 9) (!index 508 9) (!index 510 9) (!index 512 9) (!index 514 9) (!index 516 9) (!index 518 9) (!toc-entry 3 "" 9 "node_sec_8.3.2.1" "{History Graphics}") (!index 520 9) (!toc-entry 2 "8.3.3" 9 "node_sec_8.3.3" "{Example -- Tally and Accumulate Example}") (!toc-entry 2 "8.3.4" 9 "node_sec_8.3.4" "{Variable Monitors}") (!toc-entry 1 "8.4" 9 "node_sec_8.4" "{Example -- Data Collection}") (!toc-entry 1 "8.5" 9 "node_sec_8.5" "{Data Collection Across Multiple Simulation Runs}") (!toc-entry 2 "8.5.1" 9 "node_sec_8.5.1" "{Open Loop Processing}") (!toc-entry 3 "" 9 "node_sec_8.5.1.1" "{Example - Open Loop Processing}") (!toc-entry 2 "8.5.2" 9 "node_sec_8.5.2" "{Closed Loop Processing}") (!toc-entry 3 "" 9 "node_sec_8.5.2.1" "{Example -- Closed Loop Processing}") (!using-chapters) (!toc-entry 0 "9" 10 "node_chap_9" "{Sets}") (!index 522 10) (!toc-entry 1 "9.1" 10 "node_sec_9.1" "{The \\texttt{set-cell} Structure}") (!index 524 10) (!index 526 10) (!index 528 10) (!index 530 10) (!index 532 10) (!index 534 10) (!index 536 10) (!index 538 10) (!index 540 10) (!index 542 10) (!index 544 10) (!toc-entry 1 "9.2" 10 "node_sec_9.2" "{The \\texttt{set} Structure}") (!index 546 10) (!index 548 10) (!index 550 10) (!index 552 10) (!index 554 10) (!index 556 10) (!index 558 10) (!index 560 10) (!index 562 10) (!index 564 10) (!index 566 10) (!index 568 10) (!index 570 10) (!index 572 10) (!index 574 10) (!index 576 10) (!index 578 10) (!index 580 10) (!index 582 10) (!toc-entry 1 "9.3" 10 "node_sec_9.3" "{Set Operations}") (!index 584 10) (!index 586 10) (!index 588 10) (!index 590 10) (!index 592 10) (!index 594 10) (!index 596 10) (!index 598 10) (!index 600 10) (!index 602 10) (!index 604 10) (!index 606 10) (!index 608 10) (!index 610 10) (!index 612 10) (!index 614 10) (!index 616 10) (!index 618 10) (!toc-entry 2 "9.3.1" 10 "node_sec_9.3.1" "{Generic Routines}") (!index 620 10) (!index 622 10) (!toc-entry 1 "9.4" 10 "node_sec_9.4" "{Example -- Furnace Model 1}") (!using-chapters) (!toc-entry 0 "10" 11 "node_chap_10" "{Continuous Simulation Models}") (!toc-entry 1 "10.1" 11 "node_sec_10.1" "{Continuous Variables}") (!index 624 11) (!toc-entry 1 "10.2" 11 "node_sec_10.2" "{Simulation Control (Continuous)}") (!index 626 11) (!toc-entry 2 "10.2.1" 11 "node_sec_10.2.1" "{Example -- Furnace Model 2}") (!toc-entry 1 "10.3" 11 "node_sec_10.3" "{Simulation Environment (Continuous)}") (!toc-entry 2 "10.3.1" 11 "node_sec_10.3.1" "{Fixed Step Size}") (!toc-entry 3 "" 11 "node_sec_10.3.1.1" "{Example -- Furnace Model 2a}") (!toc-entry 2 "10.3.2" 11 "node_sec_10.3.2" "{Limiting Step Size}") (!toc-entry 3 "" 11 "node_sec_10.3.2.1" "{Example -- Furnace Model 2b}") (!toc-entry 1 "10.4" 11 "node_sec_10.4" "{Furnace Model 3}") (!using-chapters) (!toc-entry 0 "11" 12 "node_chap_11" "{Simulation Classes}") (!toc-entry 1 "11.1" 12 "node_sec_11.1" "{Process Classes}") (!toc-entry 1 "11.2" 12 "node_sec_11.2" "{Resource Classes}") (!toc-entry 1 "11.3" 12 "node_sec_11.3" "{Example -- Simulation Classes}") (!using-chapters) (!toc-entry 0 "12" 13 "node_chap_12" "{Simulation Control (Advanced)}") (!toc-entry 1 "12.1" 13 "node_sec_12.1" "{Example -- Harbor Model}") (!using-chapters) (!toc-entry 0 "13" 14 "node_chap_13" "{Simulation Environments (Hierarchical)}") (!using-chapters) (!toc-entry 0 "14" 15 "node_chap_14" "{Components}") (!using-chapters) (!toc-entry 0 "A" 16 "node_chap_A" "{GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)}") (!using-chapters) (!toc-entry 0 "B" 18 "node_chap_B" "{Simplified Simulation System}") (!using-chapters) (!toc-entry 0 "IGNORE" 19 "node_chap_Temp_4" "{Bibliography}") (!using-chapters) (!index-page 20) (!last-page-number 20) (!last-modification-time 1147113153)