#lang racket/gui
(require "environment.rkt"
(require (planet williams/science/math))
(define (print-variable v (title #f))
(when (and (variable? v)
(variable-statistics v)
(> (variable-n v) 0))
(when title
(printf "~a~n" title))
(when (variable-statistics v)
(printf "n = ~a~n" (variable-n v))
(printf "minimum = ~a~n" (variable-minimum v))
(printf "maximum = ~a~n" (variable-maximum v))
(printf "mean = ~a~n" (variable-mean v))
(printf "standard deviation = ~a~n" (variable-standard-deviation v))
(when (and (variable-history v)
(finite? (variable-mean v))
(not (= (variable-minimum v) (variable-maximum v))))
(printf "~a~n" (history-plot (variable-history v)))))
(printf "~n")))
(define (print-variable-vector vec (title-vector #f))
(for ((i (in-range (vector-length vec))))
(let ((var (vector-ref vec i))
(title (if title-vector
(vector-ref title-vector i)
(print-variable var title))))
(define variable-slider%
(class slider%
(init label)
(init min-value)
(init max-value)
(init parent)
(init ((variable-init variable) #f))
(unless (or (variable? variable-init)
(not variable-init))
"initialization of variable-slider%: expected either a (simulation collection) variable or #f, given ~a"
(inherit get-value)
(define variable #f)
(define/public (set-variable v)
(unless (or (not v)
(variable? v))
(error 'set-variable
"expect argument of either #f or type variable?, given ~a"
(set! variable v)
(when variable
(set-variable-value! variable (get-value))))
(label min-value max-value parent)
(lambda (slider event)
(when variable
(set-variable-value! variable (get-value))))))
(set-variable variable-init)))
(define variable-gauge%
(class gauge%
(init label)
(init((range-init range)))
(unless (or (and (integer? range-init)
(<= 1 range-init 10000))
(and (variable? range-init)
(<= 1 (variable-value range-init) 10000)))
"initialization of variable-gauge%: expected one of integer in the range 1 to 10000 or a (simulation collection) variable whose value is an integer in the range 1 to 10000, given ~a"
(init parent)
(init ((variable-init variable) #f))
(unless (or (variable? variable-init)
(not variable-init))
"initialization of variable-gauge%: expected either a (simulation collection) variable or #f, given ~a"
(inherit set-value)
(define range
(cond ((integer? range-init)
((variable? range-init)
(variable-value range-init))))
(define variable #f)
(define range-monitor #f)
(define value-monitor #f)
(define/override (set-range r)
(unless (or (and (integer? r)
(<= 1 r 10000))
(and (variable? r)
(<= 1 (variable-value r) 10000)))
(error 'set-variable
"expected argument of one an integer in range 1 to 10000 or a (simulation collection) variable whose value is an integer in range 1 to 10000, given ~a"
(when range-monitor
(variable-remove-set-monitor! range range-monitor)
(set! range-monitor #f))
(set! range r)
(cond ((integer? range)
(super set-range range))
((variable? range)
(super set-range (variable-value range))
(set! range-monitor
range 'after
(lambda (variable value)
(super set-range value)))))))
(define/public (set-variable v)
(unless (or (not v)
(variable? v))
(error 'set-variable
"expect argument of either #f or type variable?, given ~a"
(when value-monitor
(variable-remove-set-monitor! variable value-monitor)
(set! value-monitor #f))
(set! variable v)
(if variable
(if (variable-initialized? variable)
(set-value (variable-value variable))
(set-value 0))
(set! value-monitor
variable 'after
(lambda (variable value)
(if (variable-initialized? variable)
(set-value value)
(set-value 0))))))
(set-value 0)))
(label range parent))
(set-range range-init)
(set-variable variable-init)))
(define variable-message%
(class message%
(init label)
(init parent)
(init ((variable-init variable) #f))
(inherit set-label)
(define variable #f)
(define value-monitor #f)
(define/public (set-variable v)
(when value-monitor
(variable-remove-set-monitor! variable value-monitor)
(set! value-monitor #f))
(set! variable v)
(when variable
(set! value-monitor
variable 'after
(lambda (variable value)
(set-label (number->string value)))))))
((if (and (variable? variable-init)
(variable-initialized? variable-init))
(number->string (variable-value variable-init))
(set-variable variable-init)))
(define variable-text-field%
(class text-field%
(init label)
(init parent)
(init ((variable-init variable) #f))
(inherit set-value)
(define variable #f)
(define value-monitor #f)
(define/public (set-variable v)
(when value-monitor
(variable-remove-set-monitor! variable value-monitor)
(set! value-monitor #f))
(set! variable v)
(when variable
(set! value-monitor
variable 'after
(lambda (variable value)
(set-value (number->string value)))))))
(label parent))
(set-variable variable-init)))
(define variable-monitor%
(class horizontal-panel%
(init label)
(init parent)
(init ((variable-init variable) #f))
(define label-message
(instantiate message%
(label this)))
(define value-message
(instantiate message%
((if (and (variable? variable-init)
(variable-initialized? variable-init))
(number->string (variable-value variable-init))
(stretchable-width #t)))
(define variable #f)
(define value-monitor #f)
(define/public (set-variable v)
(when value-monitor
(variable-remove-set-monitor! variable value-monitor)
(set! value-monitor #f))
(set! variable v)
(when variable
(set! value-monitor
variable 'after
(lambda (variable value)
(send value-message
set-label (number->string value)))))))
(set-variable variable-init)))
(provide (all-defined-out))