2 Matrices
(require (planet wmfarr/plt-linalg:1:13/matrix)) |
A matrix is represented in the "plt-linalg.plt" package by a special datastructure: (make-matrix rows cols init). It contains a contiguous block of memory to hold (* rows cols) double-precision floating-point numbers. Operations on matrices (and vectors) are implemented by interfacing to native BLAS and LAPACK libraries.
2.1 The Matrix Structrue
(make-matrix rows cols init) → matrix? |
rows : natural-number/c |
cols : natural-number/c |
init : real? |
Constructs a matrix with rows rows and cols columns.
The elements of this matrix are all init.
(matrix rows cols elt ...) → matrix? |
rows : natural-number/c |
cols : natural-number/c |
elt : real? |
Constructs a matrix with the given elt ... as elements.
There must be exactly (* rows cols) elements given; the
matrix is constructed in column-major order (note this is not
left-to-right order). Column-major order is sometimes also called
"FORTRAN" order, as opposed to "C" order.
(matrix-identity n) → matrix? |
n : natural-number/c |
Constructs an
n by n identity matrix.
Type predicate for matrices.
(matrix-rows m) → natural-number/c |
m : matrix? |
(matrix-cols m) → natural-number/c |
m : matrix? |
(matrix-ref m i j) → real? |
m : matrix? |
i : (matrix-valid-row-index/c m) |
j : (matrix-valid-col-index/c m) |
(matrix-set! m i j x) → any |
m : matrix? |
i : (matrix-valid-row-index/c m) |
j : (matrix-valid-col-index/c m) |
x : real? |
Returns or sets the i-j-th element of m.
struct:matrix : any/c |
Struture type descriptor for matrix
s:matrix : any/c |
Transformer binding for matrix struct.
_matrix : any/c |
Foreign type for matrices. Translates to a
pointer to a column-major (i.e. "FORTRAN", not "C" order) block of
memory containing the elements of the matrix. Can be used inside
_fun syntax in input, output, or input-output forms. In
output form, the syntax is (_matrix o row-expr col-expr).
2.2 Matrix Contracts
Some contracts.
(matrix-multiplication-compatible/c m) → flat-contract? |
m : matrix? |
Contract matching matrices which can be
left-multiplied by m.
(matrix-valid-row-index/c m) → flat-contract? |
m : matrix? |
(matrix-valid-col-index/c m) → flat-contract? |
m : matrix? |
Contracts which matches natural numbers which are valid
row/col indices for m. (That is, xs such
that (<= 0 x (sub1 (matrix-rows m))) or
(<= 0 x (sub1 (matrix-cols m))).)
matrix-square/c : flat-contract? |
Matches square matrices.
(matrix-same-dimensions/c m) → flat-contract? |
m : matrix? |
Matches matrices with the same dimensions as m.
(matrix-col-vector-compatible/c m) → flat-contract? |
m : matrix? |
Matches f64vectors which are compatible for multiplication on the left
by m.
(matrix-row-vector-compatible/c m) → flat-contract? |
m : matrix? |
Matches f64vectors which are compatible for multiplication on the
right by m.
| |||||||||
elt : natural-number/c |
Thrown by LU-decomposition routines. elt is
the diagonal element of U which is zero.
2.3 Single-Matrix Operations
(matrix-norm m) → (>=/c 0) |
m : matrix? |
Returns the two-norm of a
given matrix.
Returns a new matrix
which is the transpose of m.
Returns the
matrix inverse of m. If you are trying to solve linear
equations, it is much more stable (and efficient) to use the
matrix-solve or matrix-solve-many procedures.
2.4 Matrix-Matrix and Matrix-Vector Operations
(matrix-add m1 m2) → matrix? | ||||||||
m1 : matrix? | ||||||||
| ||||||||
(matrix-sub m1 m2) → matrix? | ||||||||
m1 : matrix? | ||||||||
Matrix addition and subtraction. Does not
modify arguments.
(matrix-scale m x) → matrix? |
m : matrix? |
x : real? |
Returns a
matrix whose elements are those of m scaled by x.
Matrix multiplication; does not modify its arguments.
2.5 Solving Linear Systems
(matrix-solve m b) → (matrix-col-vector-compatible/c m) |
m : matrix-square/c |
b : (matrix-row-vector-compatible/c m) |
Solves the system
m*x = b for x.
(matrix-solve-many m b) → (matrix-multiplication-compatible/c m) |
m : matrix-square/c |
b : (matrix-multiplication-compatible/c m) |
Solves simultaneously many linear systems of the form m*x =
b for x.
2.6 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
| ||||||||||||
m : matrix-square/c |
Returns the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for the matrix m.
The first two f64vectors are the real and imaginary parts of
the eigenvalues (see eigenvalues->vector for a procedure that
gives more convenient access to these values); the columns of the two
matrices are the left- and right-eigenvectors, with complex elements
stored as in the output of the LAPACK dgeev subroutine.
(eigenvalues->vector er ei) → (vectorof number?) |
er : f64vector? |
ei : f64vector? |