#lang planet zwizwa/staapl/pic18 \ -*- forth -*-
staapl pic18/pic18-serial
\ Generic
: !! | value high low |
value low !
value #x100 / high !
: async.init-brg-16 | baud fosc |
\ Select 16 bit mode with divisor = 4. Higher baud rates are
\ possible when TXTA BRGH is also set, which uses a divisor = 4.
\ See 39632B page 237 (18F2550)
fosc baud 4 fosc/baud/div>count SPBRGH SPBRG !!
#x24 TXSTA ! \ enable transmission and high baud rate
#x90 RCSTA ! \ enable serial port and reception
BAUDCON BRG16 high \ enable 16 bit operation