#lang scheme/base

;; Misc forth syntax utilities.



;; Analogous to the 'compositions' macro, this performs compile time
;; substitutions.

(define-sr (substitutions ns
             ((name pat ...) temp) ...)
    (define-syntax-ns ns name
      (forth-rules () ((_ pat ...) temp))) ...))

;; Like 'substitutions', but translate code using a different
;; compiler and splice it in.

(define-syntax-rule (primitive-substitutions ns lang: (pat code) ...)
    ;; Evaluation the pattern to check if the names are actually
    ;; defined, but that doesn't work because it includes pattern
    ;; names as well..
    ;; (begin (lang: . code) ...) ;; test-eval it
    (substitutions ns (pat (,(lang: . code))) ...)))