;; Forth (syntax) reader ;; Part of the brood experiment is to transform the highly ;; reflective/selfmodifying forth structure into a feed-forward ;; layered language approach. This approach facilitates source code ;; processing: representations are more transparent: the meaning ;; doesn't change while staying in one layer. ;; This approach allows a purely functional, purely concatenative ;; language (PCL) as intermediate representation. However, this ;; approach necessarily gives up some simplicity: feedforward parsing ;; is reduced to a preprocessing step and requires a separate meta ;; language to describe transformations from Forth to the pure ;; concatenative language. ;; While doing this, some requirements need to be met ;; 1) forth should be character-delimited: simplifies on-target lexing ;; 2) first stage tokenizer in brood = word/white/comment segmentation ;; 3) the parser needs to be extensible ;; Here 1) is embedded in 2) to make source processing in an editor ;; (like emacs) easier by preserving the original source characters, ;; enhanced with markup. This representation should not introduce ;; structures that 1) can't interpret. For special purposes, the ;; system should be extensible to allow low-level forth parsing ;; extensions. #lang scheme/base (require (for-syntax scheme/base) (lib "match.ss") "../tools.ss") ;; only for utils.. (provide read-forth-syntax read-forth string->forth-syntax file->forth-syntax ) ;; Convert (syntax) string to lexed Forth syntax, preserving attributes. (define (string->forth-syntax _str) (syntax-case _str () (str (let ((code (port->list (port (syntax->datum #'str)) read-forth))) (datum->syntax #'str (map (lambda (atom) (datum->syntax #'str atom)) code)))))) ;; Syntax has source location from the file, but lexical context is ;; pluggable. (define (file->forth-syntax file [context-stx #f]) (let* ((port (open-input-file file)) (forth (map (lexical-context-from context-stx) (port->list port (lambda (x) (read-forth-syntax file x)))))) (close-input-port port) forth)) ;; Convert file to lexed Forth syntax with proper lexical context. (define-syntax in? (syntax-rules () ((_ var lst) (case var (lst #t) (else #f))))) (define (newline? x) (in? x (#\newline ;; unix #\return))) ;; windows (define (white? x) (and (char? x) (char-whitespace? x))) (define (not-white? x) (not (white? x))) ;; This will emulate a standard forth reader, but preserves all ;; source characters for source text processing. ;; Read the next word, upto but excluding the delimiting whitespace ;; character. This produces either an eof-object, or a token with 3 ;; elements: leading whitespace, word characters and delimiting ;; whitespace. Leading whitespace can contain zero ;; elements. Delimiting whitespace can contain zero elements only in ;; the EOF condition. Each element is tagged with it's starting ;; line/column/position. (define (forth-collect p done?) (define (drop) (read-char p)) (define (head) (peek-char p)) (define stack '()) (define (str!) (list->string (reverse stack))) (define l/c/p (let-values (((line column pos) (port-next-location p))) (list (or line 1) (or column 0) pos))) (define (done-at delim) (drop) (list l/c/p (str!) delim)) (define (collect) (cond ((eof-object? (head)) (if (not (null? stack)) ;; allow EOF terminated identifiers (begin ;; (printf "WARNING: EOF terminated identifer: ~s ~s\n" l/c/p stack) (done-at #\newline)) ;; fake newline (head))) ((done? (head)) (done-at (head))) (else (push! stack (head)) (drop) (collect)))) (port-count-lines! p) (collect)) ;; Read next word or whitespace (define (forth-white/word p) (port-count-lines! p) (let ((head (peek-char p))) (cond ((eof-object? head) head) (else (cons (if (white? head) 'white 'word) (forth-collect p white?)))))) ;; Implement character parsing words. (define (forth-accept p) (match (forth-white/word p) ;; make this extensible (('word pos "\\" delimiter) (match (forth-collect p newline?) ((cpos str cdel) `(comment ,pos ,str ,cdel)))) (other other))) (define (num/sym str) (or (string->number str) (string->symbol str))) ;; Read discards comments and whitespace. (define (read/map port fn) (match (forth-accept port) (('word (l c p) str del) (fn str l c p)) ((and obj (= eof-object? #t)) obj) (other (read/map port fn)))) (define (read-forth port) (read/map port (lambda (str l c p) (num/sym str)))) (define (read-forth-syntax file port) (read/map port (lambda (str l c p) (datum->syntax #f (num/sym str) (list file l c p #f) #f #f))))