#lang scheme/base
(provide (all-defined-out))
"../comp/state.ss" "../code.ss"
(define datastack (make-parameter #f))
(define (pic18-datastack)
(macro-constant 'stack-data)
(macro-constant 'stack-data-ptr)))
(datastack pic18-datastack)
(define-syntax-rule (d: fmt . e)
(let ((val (begin . e)))
(define tethered-in (make-parameter (lambda _ (error 'no-input-connected))))
(define tethered-out (make-parameter (lambda _ (error 'no-output-connected))))
(define tethered-close (make-parameter void))
(define tethered-reset (make-parameter (lambda () (treset))))
(define (cold)
(msleep 100))
(define stty
(let ((fmt #f)
'(("Linux" . "stty -F ~a ~a raw min 1 -echo")
("CYGWIN_NT-5.1" . "stty -F ~a ~a min 1 -echo ixon -icanon pass8")
("windows" . "mode ~a: baud=~a parity=n data=8 stop=1 xon=off dtr=off rts=off"))))
(lambda (name baud)
(unless fmt
(set! fmt (cdr (assoc "Linux" fmts))))
(system (format fmt name baud)))))
(define (tethered-serial-port name baud)
(define (standard-serial-port)
(((i o)
(open-input-output-file name #:exists 'append)))
(file-stream-buffer-mode o 'none)
(stty name baud)
(tethered-reset (lambda () (treset)))
(tethered-in (lambda () (d: "in ~x\n"
(read-byte i)
(tethered-out (lambda (b) (write-byte (d: "out ~x\n" b) o)))
(tethered-close (lambda () (close-input-port i) (close-output-port o)))))
'(define (pk2-serial-port)
(define (stop)
(uart-stop) (target-off) (msleep 300))
(define (start)
(uart-start baud)
(tethered-in uart-read)
(tethered-out uart-write)
(lambda () (stop) (pk2-close)))
(lambda ()
(printf "PK2: target cold reset.\n")
(stop) (sleep 1) (start)))
(uart-write 1 6)
(msleep 100)
(let ((ret (uart-try-read)))
(unless ret
(printf "uart-start hack\n"))))
'(if (equal? "pk2" name)
(define (make-memory [size #x4096] [filler #xFF])
(define v (make-vector size filler))
(define (addr x) (modulo x size))
((ref) (vector-ref v (addr ref)))
((ref val) (vector-set! v (addr ref) val))))
(define (make-simulator [amem (make-memory)]
[fmem (make-memory)])
(define a 0)
(define f 0)
(define stack '())
(define (p x) (printf "target: ~a\n" x))
(define (push x) (push! stack x))
(define (pop)
((void (lambda _
(p 'stack-underflow)
(pop! stack)))
(define I (make-channel))
(define O (make-channel))
(define (recv) (channel-get I))
(define (trns x) (channel-put O x))
(define (ack) (trns 0))
(define (ferase) (p '(ferase)) (ack))
(define (fprog) (p '(fprog)) (ack))
(define (recv2) (b->w (recv) (recv)))
(define (b->w l h) (car (bytes->words (list l h))))
(define (chkblk)
(let ((x #xff))
(for ((i (in-range 64)))
(set! x (band x (fetch++ fmem f))))
(trns 1)
(trns x)))
(define (stackptr)
(trns 1)
(trns (length stack)))
(define-syntax-rule (fetch++ mem ptr)
(let ((x (mem ptr)))
(set! ptr (add1 ptr)) x))
(define-syntax-rule (store-buf mem ptr)
(for ((i (in-range (recv))))
(mem ptr (recv))
(set! ptr (add1 ptr)))
(define-syntax-rule (fetch-buf mem ptr)
(let ((n (recv)))
(trns n)
(for ((i (in-range n)))
(trns (fetch++ mem ptr)))))
(define (interpret cmd)
(case cmd
((0) (ack))
((1) (push (recv)) (ack))
((2) (trns 1) (trns (pop)))
((3) (p (list 'jsr (recv2))) (ack))
((4) (set! a (recv2)) (ack))
((5) (set! f (recv2)) (ack))
((6) (ack))
((7) (p '(reset))) ((8) (fetch-buf amem a))
((9) (fetch-buf fmem f))
((10) (store-buf amem a))
((11) (store-buf fmem f))
((12) (chkblk))
((13) (stackptr))
((14) (ferase))
((15) (fprog))))
(define (interpreter)
(unless (zero? (recv))
(interpret (recv)))
(thread interpreter)
(values I O))
(define (tethered-simulator)
(let-values (((to from) (make-simulator)))
(lambda () (channel-get from)))
(lambda (b) (channel-put to b)))))
(define (in/b) ((tethered-in)))
(define (out/b byte) ((tethered-out) byte))
(define (bytes->words lst) (join-nibble-list lst 0 8))
(define (words->bytes lst) (split-nibble-list lst 0 8))
(define (void/values lst)
(if (null? lst) (void) (apply values lst)))
(define target-id (make-parameter 0)) (define (target! id)
(when (or (< id 0) (> id 254))
(error 'invalid-target-id))
(target-id id))
(define (target-send/b . bytes)
(let ((len (length bytes)))
(when (> len 255) (error 'message-too-long))
(out/b (target-id))
(out/b len)
(for ((b bytes)) (out/b (int8 b)))))
(define (target-send/w id . words)
(apply target-send/b id (words->bytes words)))
(define (target-receive+id/b)
(let* ((id (in/b))
(size (in/b)))
(for/list ((i (in-range size))) (in/b))
(define (target-receive/b)
(let-values (((lst id)
(define (target-count)
(define max-id 255)
(out/b max-id)
(out/b 0)
(let-values (((lst id)
(- max-id id)))
(define (scan)
(let ((targets (target-count)))
(printf "Found ~a targets(s).\n" targets)))
(define (target-receive/w)
(bytes->words (target-receive/b)))
(define (target-rpc/b . args)
(apply target-send/b args)
(void/values (target-receive/b)))
(define (target-rpc/w . args)
(apply target-send/w args)
(void/values (target-receive/w)))
(define (tnop) (target-send/b)) (define (treset) (target-send/b 7)) (define (tstart/b addr) (target-send/w 3 addr))
(define (>t val) (target-rpc/b 1 val))
(define (t>) (target-rpc/b 2))
(define (~texec/b addr) (target-send/w 3 addr))
(define (a! addr) (target-rpc/w 4 addr))
(define (f! addr) (target-rpc/w 5 addr))
(define (target-sync) (target-rpc/b 6))
(define (check-block) (target-rpc/b 12))
(define (stackptr) (target-rpc/b 13)) (define (erase) (target-rpc/b 14)) (define (program) (target-rpc/b 15))
(define (~a>/b n) (target-send/b 8 n) (target-receive/b))
(define (~f>/b n) (target-send/b 9 n) (target-receive/b))
(define (~>a/b lst) (apply target-rpc/b 10 (length lst) lst))
(define (~>f/b lst) (apply target-rpc/b 11 (length lst) lst))
(define (chunked-receive command addr!)
(lambda (total-size [at #f])
(when at (addr! at))
(if (<= total-size 0)
(map command
(define a>/b (chunked-receive ~a>/b a!))
(define f>/b (chunked-receive ~f>/b f!))
(define (chunked-send command addr!)
(lambda (lst [at #f])
(when at (addr! at))
(unless (zero? (length lst))
(command lst))))
(define >a/b (chunked-send ~>a/b a!))
(define >f/b (chunked-send ~>f/b f!))
(define (f>/w n) (bytes->words (f>/b (<<< n 1))))
(define (t@ addr) (a! addr) (car (a>/b 1)))
(define (t! val addr) (a! addr) (>a/b (list val)))
(define (_t@ addr) (a! addr) (car (bytes->words (a>/b 2))))
(define (_t! val addr) (a! addr) (>a/b (words->bytes (list val))))
(define (stackbottom) #x80)
(define (stacksize) (- (stackptr) (stackbottom)))
(define (ts-copy)
(reverse (a>/b (stacksize)
(+ 1 (stackbottom)))))
(define (_ts-copy)
(join-nibble-list (ts-copy) 8 0))
(define console-display
(make-parameter (lambda (reply)
(display (list->bytes reply)))))
(define (console-log)
(let ((reply (target-receive/b)))
(unless (null? reply)
((console-display) reply)
(define (texec/b addr)
(~texec/b addr)
(define (init-state [lst '()])
(state:compiler lst))
(define (tsim coma)
(define (eval-macro m lst)
(state->code (m (init-state lst))))
(let* ((lp (pop->lp (stacksize) t>))
(stack-in (lp->lazy-stack lp))
(stack-out (eval-macro coma stack-in)))
(let-values (((in out)
(diff-lists (reverse stack-in) (reverse stack-out))))
(interpret-cw/qw void void out)
(interpret-cw/qw void void in)
(let* ((used (lp-have lp))
(not-used (- (length in) used))
(nb-ins (- (length out) not-used)))
texec/b >t (reverse
(take nb-ins stack-out)))))))
(define-struct lp (vector have pop!) #:mutable)
(define (pop->lp n pop!)
(make-lp (make-vector n) 0 pop!))
(define (lp-ref lp i)
(define v (lp-vector lp))
(define (pop!)
(let ((have (lp-have lp)))
(vector-set! v have ((lp-pop! lp)))
(set-lp-have! lp (add1 have))))
(when (>= i (vector-length v))
(error 'lazy-pop-underflow))
(let next ()
(if (< i (lp-have lp))
(vector-ref v i)
(begin (pop!) (next)))))
(define (lp->lazy-stack lp)
(for/list ((i (in-range (vector-length (lp-vector lp)))))
(op: qw (make-target-value
(lambda () (lp-ref lp i))
(define (interpret-cw/qw _cw _qw code)
(define *stack* '())
(define num target-value->number)
(for ((ins code))
(match ins
([list (? qw?) n] (_qw (num n)))
([list (? cw?) a] (_cw (target-byte-addr (num a) 'code)))
([list-rest opc _]
(error 'cannot-simulate-opcode "~a\n~a"
(asm-name opc)
(reverse code))))))
(define (_>t val) (for ((w (words->bytes (list val))))
(>t w)))
(define (_t>) (let* ((hi (t>))
(lo (t>)))
(car (bytes->words (list lo hi)))))
(define a-block-size (make-parameter 16))
(define f-block-size (make-parameter 64))
(define (bf! n) (f! (* (f-block-size) n)))
(define (ba! n) (a! (* (a-block-size) n)))
(define (free-block? b)
(bf! b)
(= #xff (check-block)))
(define (erase-block b)
(bf! b) (erase))
(define (erase-blocks b n)
(unless (zero? n)
(erase-block b)
(erase-blocks (+ b 1) (- n 1))))
(define (erase-from-block b)
(define erasing #f)
(let next ((b b))
(if (free-block? b)
(when erasing
(printf "memory clear.\n"))
(unless erasing
(printf "erasing blocks: ")
(set! erasing #t))
(printf "~s " b)
(erase-block b)
(next (add1 b))))))
(define (erase-from/w addr)
(ceiling-block addr 32)))
(define (upload-bytes-line org bytes [bits 3])
(define n (<<< 1 bits))
(unless (= n (length bytes))
(error 'non-normalized-line "~s" bytes))
(target-sync) (>f/b bytes org)
(define (upload-bytes bin [align-bits 3])
(for ((chunk (bin-flatten bin)))
(for (((org line) (in-binchunk/lines chunk align-bits -1)))
(display ".")
(upload-bytes-line org line align-bits))))
(define printf-stack stack-print)
(define (psu lst) (printf-stack lst " ~s"))
(define (psx lst) (printf-stack (map byte->string lst) " ~a"))
(define (pss lst) (printf-stack (map (sign-extender 8) lst) " ~s"))
(define (_psx lst) (printf-stack (map word->string lst) " ~a"))
(define (_pss lst) (printf-stack (map (sign-extender 16) lst) " ~s"))
(define (ts) (psu (ts-copy)))
(define (tsx) (psx (ts-copy)))
(define (tss) (psu (ts-copy)))
(define (_ts) (psu (_ts-copy)))
(define (_tsx) (_psx (_ts-copy)))
(define (_tss) (_pss (_ts-copy)))
(define (kb n)
(define (current-block)
(if (= #xff (check-block)) ". " "x "))
(define (print-line)
(for/list ((i (in-range 8))) (current-block)))))
(bf! 0)
(let ((lines (* 2 n)))
(for ((i (in-range lines)))
(define (hex-dump sequence . args)
(for ((s sequence)
(p (apply in-hex-printer args)))
(p s)))
(define (abd b)
(let ((bs (a-block-size)))
(ba! b)
(hex-dump (in-list (a>/b bs))
(* bs b) 3 2 8)))
(define (fbd b)
(let ((bs (f-block-size)))
(bf! b)
(hex-dump (in-list (f>/w (/ bs 2)))
(* bs b) 4 4 4)))
(define (tsee word [n #x10])
(define addr
(cond ((number? word) word)
((symbol? word) (target-find-code word))
(else #f))
(error 'not-found "~s" word)))
(define dict (code-labels))
(f! addr)
(eval 'dasm-collection)
(f>/w n) (>>> addr 1) 16
(lambda (addr)
(let ((rec (code-resolve addr 'code)))
(or (and rec (car rec))
(define (bd block)
(tsee (* 64 block) 32))
(define (print-wlist lst)
(for ((w lst))
(printf "~a " (symbol->string w)))
(define (macros) (print-wlist (ns-mapped-symbols '(macro))))
(define (commands) (print-wlist (ns-mapped-symbols '(target))))
(define (words) (print-wlist
(filter (lambda (l)
(not (eq? #\. (car (string->list (symbol->string l))))))
(map car (code-labels)))))
(define (clear-flash [bits 5]) (define (get x) (cadr (assq x (code-pointers))))
(let ((code (bit-ceil (get 'code) bits)) (data (get 'data)))
(code-pointers-set! `((code ,code)
(data ,data)))
(erase-from-block (>>> code bits))))
(define *debug* #f)
(define (debug-on) (set! *debug* #t))
(define (debug-off) (set! *debug* #f))
(define (commit [bin (code->binary)])
(unless (null? bin)
(when *debug* (code-print))
(upload-bytes bin)
(define (OK)
(code-clear!) (target-sync)
(display "OK\n"))
(define (access-bank x)
(let ((x (band x #xFF)))
(if (zero? (band x #x80))
(bior #xF80 x))))
(define (tfbuffer addr)
(let ((n (car (f>/b 1 addr))))
(f>/b n (+ addr 1))))
(define (tfstring addr)
(list->bytes (tfbuffer addr)))
(define (clear-ram-block b [val 0])
(>a/b (build-list 64 (lambda _ val))
(* 64 b)))