Custom Query (146 matches)


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Results (101 - 146 of 146)

1 2

Owner: neil (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#507 Font lock doesn't work for subsubsubsection defect major neil/scribble-emacs.plt (1 2)
#1790 charterm event not ready when bytes are available defect major neil/charterm.plt (3 1)
#1791 charterm event not ready when bytes are available defect major neil/charterm.plt (3 1)
#1792 charterm event not ready when bytes are available defect major neil/charterm.plt (3 1)
#1802 Scribble Emacs Mode Installation Issue. defect major neil/scribble-emacs.plt (1 3)
#95 make a csv-reader that takes in an input-port enhancement minor neil/csv.plt (1 2)
#309 Parsing bug discovered defect minor neil/htmlprag.plt (99 99)
#1803 Have you thought about moving this to MELPA? (EOM) enhancement minor neil/scribble-emacs.plt (1 3)

Owner: ocorcoll (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#281 Please consider using development links. task major ocorcoll/beanscheme.plt

Owner: oesterholt (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#148 Cannot load package in 4.1.4 defect major oesterholt/internat.plt (1 2)

Owner: orseau (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#218 ^M end-of-lines defect minor orseau/lazy-doc.plt (1 4)

Owner: robby (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#237 scribble text renderer dies with a type error defect major _default-component
#282 Unable to make 4.2.5 with shared libraries enabled. defect major _default-component
#290 compile: unbound identifier in module enhancement major some _default-component 125
#292 png_set_gray_1_2_4_to_8 not found while compiling defect major _default-component

Owner: ryanc (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#411 Growing memory consumption when using ryanc/db.plt defect major ryanc/db.plt
#124 rename to enhancement minor ryanc/require.plt (1 3)

Owner: samth (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#357 Upgrade bindings to the current Cairo release defect major samth/cairo.plt (1 0)

Owner: schematics (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#147 Planet breakage? Some surprising dependencies from xmlrpc.plt defect major schematics/xmlrpc.plt (4 0)
#191 SchemeUnit checks for syntax errors enhancement major schematics/schemeunit.plt
#210 Fails to compile with 4.2.2 defect major schematics/port.plt (1 3)
#219 error on require defect major schematics/benchmark.plt (2 1)

Owner: shawnpresser (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#534 Fixing the test files defect major shawnpresser/racket-unix-sockets.plt (1 0)

Owner: soegaard (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#280 eof error defect critical soegaard/bit-io.plt (2 0)
#175 srfi.plt does not install cleanly due to error in defect major soegaard/srfi.plt (2 1)
#214 scribble warnings defect major soegaard/galore.plt
#217 segments->painter return is failing on being passed to paint defect major soegaard/sicp.plt (2 1)
#242 Digest contexts are leaked. defect major soegaard/digest.plt (1 2)
#433 install complains defect major soegaard/sicp.plt (2 1)
#1462 transform-painter fails on non-rectangle configuration defect major soegaard/sicp.plt (2 1)
#195 prime? of neg. number doesn't end defect trivial soegaard/math.plt (1 4)

Owner: synx (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#194 problem including this file from planeT defect minor synx/xml-maker.plt (1 0)

Owner: toups (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#505 Implicit passing of monad argument enhancement major toups/functional.plt (1 1)
#506 Get and put enhancement major toups/functional.plt (1 1)

Owner: untyped (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#138 Doesn't work in Current Version of PLT defect major untyped/delicious.plt (1 3)
#139 Doesn't work in Current Version of PLT defect major untyped/delicious.plt (1 3)
#220 warnings from documentation defect major untyped/unlib.plt (3 20)
#387 compilation error defect major untyped/mirrors.plt (2 4)

Owner: vegashacker (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#116 long startup time enhancement major vegashacker/leftparen.plt (2 2)
#131 stack trace is often mostly unusable defect major vegashacker/leftparen.plt (2 2)

Owner: vyzo (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#143 Request for docs on interaction model enhancement major vyzo/gnuplot.plt (1 3)
#345 socket.plt fails to install defect major vyzo/socket.plt 3.2
#274 mzsocket fails to install cleanly on OS X (10.5 and 10.6) defect minor vyzo/socket.plt (3 2)

Owner: wmfarr (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#322 Racket v5.1 for/vector enhancement trivial wmfarr/simple-matrix.plt (1 1)

Owner: xtofs (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#415 bug in firmata.scrbl defect major xtofs/firmata.plt (1 0)

Owner: zitterbewegung (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#125 Docs link unavailable; .DS_Store file unnecessary defect minor zitterbewegung/uuid-v4.plt (1 0)
1 2
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