Ticket #1797 (closed defect: fixed)

Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

contract violation in merge example

Reported by: esilkensen Owned by: esilkensen
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: esilkensen/yaml.plt Keywords:
Cc: Version: (3 1)
Racket Version:


The merge example at  http://yaml.org/type/merge.html fails with a contract violation:

sequence-node-value: contract violation
  expected: sequence-node?
  given: #<mapping-node>
  in: the 1st argument of
      (-> sequence-node? any)
  contract from: <pkgs>/yaml/yaml/nodes.rkt
  blaming: <pkgs>/yaml/yaml/constructor.rkt
    (assuming the contract is correct)
  at: <pkgs>/yaml/yaml/nodes.rkt:17.7

Change History

Changed 10 years ago by esilkensen

  • status changed from new to accepted

Changed 9 years ago by esilkensen

  • status changed from accepted to closed
  • resolution set to fixed

Fix pushed to github.

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