7 Contracts
(require (planet cce/scheme:6:3/contract)) |
This module provides useful contracts and contract constructors.
7.1 Flat Contracts
This contract recognizes natural numbers that satisfy
This contract recognizes positive integers that satisfy
This contract recognizes Scheme truth values, i.e., any value, but with a more
informative name and description. Use it in negative positions for arguments
that accept arbitrary truth values that may not be booleans.
7.2 Higher-Order Contracts
These contracts recognize functions that accept 0, 1, or 2 arguments,
respectively, and produce a single result.
These contracts recognize predicates: functions of a single argument that
produce a boolean result.
The first constrains its output to satisfy boolean?. Use predicate/c in positive position for predicates that guarantee a result of #t or #f.
The second constrains its output to satisfy truth/c. Use predicate-like/c in negative position for predicates passed as arguments that may return arbitrary values as truth values.
These contracts recognize comparisons: functions of two arguments that
produce a boolean result.
The first constrains its output to satisfy boolean?. Use comparison/c in positive position for comparisons that guarantee a result of #t or #f.
The second constrains its output to satisfy truth/c. Use comparison-like/c in negative position for comparisons passed as arguments that may return arbitrary values as truth values.