6 Available services
The following service documents are shipped with this library. They are located in the vendor subdirectory of this library’s location in your PLaneT cache.
You may reference one with the require-gapi-doc form by
supplying its name literally—
You may reference one with the
local-discovery-document->service procedure by supplying its
name as a symbol—
Each service listed below has a link to documentation which was generated from its discovery document. In that documentation there is also a link to Google’s "normal" documentation, which you can read for a fuller explanation of the service.
adexchangebuyer.v1.1.js : Lets you manage your Ad Exchange Buyer account.
adsense.v1.1.js : Gives AdSense publishers access to their inventory and the ability to generate reports
adsensehost.v4.1.js : Gives AdSense Hosts access to report generation, ad code generation, and publisher management capabilities.
analytics.v3.js : View and manage your Google Analytics data
androidpublisher.v1.js : Lets Android application developers access their Google Play accounts.
audit.v1.js : Lets you access user activities in your enterprise made through various applications.
bigquery.v2.js : A data platform for customers to create, manage, share and query data.
blogger.v3.js : API for access to the data within Blogger.
books.v1.js : Lets you search for books and manage your Google Books library.
calendar.v3.js : Lets you manipulate events and other calendar data.
civicinfo.us_v1.js : An API for accessing civic information.
compute.v1beta12.js : API for the Google Compute Engine service.
coordinate.v1.js : Lets you view and manage jobs in a Coordinate team.
customsearch.v1.js : Lets you search over a website or collection of websites
dfareporting.v1.1.js : Lets you create, run and download reports.
discovery.v1.js : Lets you discover information about other Google APIs, such as what APIs are available, the resource and method details for each API
drive.v2.js : The API to interact with Drive.
freebase.v1.js : Lets you access the Freebase repository of open data.
fusiontables.v1.js : API for working with Fusion Tables data.
gan.v1beta1.js : Lets you have programmatic access to your Google Affiliate Network data.
groupssettings.v1.js : Lets you manage permission levels and related settings of a group.
latitude.v1.js : Lets you read and update your current location and work with your location history
licensing.v1.js : Licensing API to view and manage license for your domain.
moderator.v1.js : Moderator API
oauth2.v2.js : Lets you access OAuth2 protocol related APIs.
orkut.v2.js : Lets you manage activities, comments and badges in Orkut. More stuff coming in time.
pagespeedonline.v1.js : Lets you analyze the performance of a web page and get tailored suggestions to make that page faster.
plus.v1.js : The Google+ API enables developers to build on top of the Google+ platform.
prediction.v1.5.js : Lets you access a cloud hosted machine learning service that makes it easy to build smart apps
reseller.v1.js : Lets you create and manage your customers and their subscriptions.
shopping.v1.js : Lets you search over product data.
siteVerification.v1.js : Lets you programatically verify ownership of websites or domains with Google.
storage.v1beta1.js : Lets you store and retrieve potentially-large, immutable data objects.
taskqueue.v1beta2.js : Lets you access a Google App Engine Pull Task Queue over REST.
tasks.v1.js : Lets you manage your tasks and task lists.
translate.v2.js : Lets you translate text from one language to another
urlshortener.v1.js : Lets you create, inspect, and manage goo.gl short URLs
webfonts.v1.js : The Google Web Fonts Developer API.
youtube.v3.js : Programmatic access to YouTube features.
youtubeAnalytics.v1.js : Retrieve your YouTube Analytics reports.