3 The Sake API
(require (planet schematics/sake)) |
Although you can use arbitrary Scheme code as a task’s action there are some tasks that come up frequently enough that they are provided by Sake. Since Sake is very new, a very significant contribution to Sake at this stage is to write or suggest new actions for future versions of Sake.
module-path : (or/c path? string?) |
binding : symbol? |
Run the tests defined in the file module-path that are provided by the binding binding. The tests run in the SchemeUnit text UI. If any tests fail the action fails, stopping execution.
module-path : (or/c path? string?) |
Compile the file specified by module-path, and all files it depends upon. Note this will compile files outside of the current directory. It is equivalent to mzc in this respect.
path : (or/c path? string?) |
Packages the directory given by path into a PLaneT archive. The name of the archive is derived from the directory name. If the directory is called "foo" the archive will be called "foo.plt". The archive name is returned by this action.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
owner : string? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
filestr : (or/c path? string?) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
major : natural-number/c | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
minor : natural-number/c |
Installs (also known as file injection) the given PLaneT archive into the local PLaneT cache.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
owner : string? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
package : string? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
major : natural-number/c | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
minor : natural-number/c |
Removes the specified package from the PLaneT cache.