1 Vectors
(require (planet wmfarr/plt-linalg:1:10/vector)) |
The "plt-linalg.plt" package represents vectors as f64vectors.
1.1 Contracts for Vectors
(f64vector-same-length/c v) → flat-contract? |
v : f64vector? |
Produces a contract which matches f64vectors of the same length as v.
1.2 Procedures for Vectors
(f64vector-norm v) → (>=/c 0) |
v : f64vector? |
Computes the two-norm of v.
(f64vector-copy v) → f64vector? |
v : f64vector? |
Produces a copy of v.
(f64vector-scale v x) → f64vector? |
v : f64vector? |
x : real? |
Produces a new f64vector whose elements are those of v scaled (multiplied) by x.
(f64vector-add v1 v2) → f64vector? |
v1 : f64vector? |
v2 : (f64vector-same-length/c v1) |
Produces a new f64vector whose elements are the sum of corresponding elements of v1 and v2.
(f64vector-sub v1 v2) → f64vector? |
v1 : f64vector? |
v2 : (f64vector-same-length/c v1) |
Produces a new f64vector whose elements are the difference of corresponding elements of v1 and v2.
(f64vector-dot v1 v2) → real? |
v1 : f64vector? |
v2 : (f64vector-same-length/c v1) |
Computes the dot product of v1 and v2.