Ticket #238 (accepted task)

Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

note that you need to restart DrScheme after (require ...)-ing the projectmgr

Reported by: toddobryan@… Owned by: spdegabrielle
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: spdegabrielle/projectmgr.plt Keywords:
Cc: Version: (1 1)
Racket Version: 4.2.3


If you could add that to the docs, it might save someone the puzzled 5 minutes I just spent. :-)

Change History

  Changed 15 years ago by spdegabrielle

  • priority changed from major to minor
  • status changed from new to accepted
  • type changed from defect to task

Application metadata changed to include requirement.
Looking at other options.

in reply to: ↑ description   Changed 15 years ago by spdegabrielle

Replying to toddobryan@…:

If you could add that to the docs, it might save someone the puzzled 5 minutes I just spent. :-)

Added to planet metadata.

Looking at options to include in install sequence.

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